24/12/2018 17:15:58     vTiger Portfolio    0 Comments

The Institute of Labor Protection and Energy Saving is one of our customers. This is a company, which is engaged in certifying products, medicines, services, assessing the work conditions, certifying workplaces and staff.

Initially, having decided to save, the company management chose the Bitrix24 cloud platform with a free fare, including a set of business tools for a limited number of users up to 12 employees. However, after six months, management was forced to expand the sales department, dividing it into 3 subdivisions, which also required access to the CRM system with fine-tuning of access rights. Adjustment of the functionality to the company needs required additional financial and time investments. More than 249$ a month as a subscription fee was spent for using the CRM platform.

Having decided to stop this mess, the company management contacted us and ordered the implementation of a CRM system without a subscription fee. At the request of the customer, we transferred all historical data on transactions, invoices, orders, payments, etc. from Bitrix24 to vTiger CRM system. We added the possibility of online payment and sales analytics by connecting the BI system directly to the database.

We have automated creation of accounts, acts, invoices and contracts in accordance with the ready-made templates of primary documents. We have also added the possibility of independent creation of an unlimited number of new templates and change of existing ones, which wasn’t allowed by the free Bitrix platform functionality.

So, our client ran into a classic mistake of running a business, fell for free cheese in a mousetrap. In other words, the lack of necessary functionality along with the limitation of access by the number of users of the Bitrix24 platform inevitably led the client to unexpected expenses. Business automation is a prior condition for its further development. Uniform manual operations take a lot of time and are accompanied by risks associated with human factors. Timely implementation of the proper CRM system, especially when it comes to starting a business, pays for itself in the future. It ensures prompt and simple scalability, stability of business processes, time reduction and increase in the company's profitability.

Thus, due to the implementation of vTiger CRM system into the Customer’s workflow, he received full access to all its functionality including the possibility to connect any number of users. Due to the improvement of service, increase in the efficiency of processing orders, the company's customer base has increased by almost 50%.

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Our team has enough experience in vTiger CRM to bring all your ideas according to life. Our experts will analyse your business needs and recommend you how to solve it better. And after our developers make it in your crm system.

What we do

  • Basic functional upgrade and customization
  • Migration crm to higher version
  • Migration from another crm to vTiger
  • Extensions and Modules Development
  • API integration with other software
  • 2rd, 3rd lines technical support

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