Valid from April 4th 2017

You purchase our extensions and other done products "as is".

Refunds and free support are considered within 14 days of your purchase date on a case-by-case basis. You are eligible for a refund if:

  1. The software will not install on your vTiger server by standard way.
  2. A bug is found and VorDOOM is 1) unable to fix it or 2) we determine that it should not be fixed.

In order to provide proper support we may require admin level access, FTP access and database access to your server. If you fail, or choose not to provide the access levels, you won’t be eligible for a refund.

You are not eligible for a refund if:

  1. You request support that does not pertain to the conditions mentioned above. You may not receive assistance with basic usage and then ask for a refund.
  2. You don't understand what you were purchasing and the extension was the wrong product for your needs. Please read all site copy before purchasing and make sure to check the module demo or ask us by email
  3. You purchase a module that is not compatible with the module requirements displayed in the module sales page.
  4. You purchase a module that can’t be installed in vTiger On-Demand version before consulting with vTiger’s support service about it.

Customer support provided from 10am till 6pm Russia, Moscow time on business days if not agreed other.