Automation of sales through landing page
   20/12/2018 12:54:23     vTiger Portfolio    0 Comments

One of the customers, who turned to us for help, is a company specializing in implementing of the car around view systems.

The customer advertises and sells only one kind of product and does this through the landing page. Previously, sales were made according to the following scheme: a website visitor used to left contact details via a web form in the landing page. A sales manager used to receive an e-mail message from the landing page, notifying that someone wants to buy the system. The scheme is long and complicated. Conversion as well as sales used to fall.

In order to increase sales and successfully organize the company's customer focus, to improve relations with potential and actual customers, the management decided to implement the vTiger CRM that would allow:

• interested customers to pay for the product directly from the landing page;

• to save customer contact details with UTM tags for further analysis of the effectiveness of advertising channels;

• to automatically generate bills in CRM with paid/unpaid status to save financial history;

• to save correspondence with potential customers in CRM.

Delivery of goods is carried out through the logistic company. As soon as the invoice gets the “paid” status, the vTiger CRM automatically creates a delivery request and sends it to logistic company via API. The client himself chooses the delivery point before paying for the goods on the website.

Integration between the website, vTiger CRM and the logistic  company is carried out through the API and allows:

• to calculate the exact cost of delivery right on the landing page;

• to receive up-to-date list of points of issue of orders, including operation mode, address and telephone details;

• to transfer order data from vTiger CRM to the base of the logistic company;

• to generate a printed invoice form for the order in vTiger CRM;

• to track the history of changes in delivery status, including the date of delivery and the recipient's signature scan copy.

There is a possibility to enable a courier call to the customer’s office to pick up the goods and then deliver it to the customer. So the vTiger CRM will automatically call the courier once a day or after each paid order.

The vTiger CRM automatically sends several emails to all visitors who created an invoice but did not pay it to remind them of goods capabilities, its limited quantity and the incomplete payment process. The 4th letter contains the link to purchase goods with a 10% discount.

Owing to the integration of vTiger CRM with the landing page website visitors got an opportunity to immediately purchase the product they are interested but the management got a foolproof and convenient tool for analyzing the order stages and the company activities on the whole. Conversion to sales increased by almost 60%.

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